Western Instruments N88-6 Reaching Plus Pit Depth Gauge 6" Blade, Measures Corrosion & Material Loss
Western Instruments N88-6 Reaching Plus Pit Depth Gauge 6

Western Instruments Pit Gauges assure compliance with vessel, pipeline, tank and OCTG specifications for corrosion and erosion depth measurement.
Measuring Range: 0.0-0.5" (0.0 - 12.7 mm)
Resolution: 0.001" (0.01 mm)
Center-mount 6in (152mm) Blade
Available with dial or digital indicators
The N88-6 Reaching Plus Pit Gauge is a precision instrument that allows the Corrosion Inspector to conveniently measure Pit Depth or material loss in areas of Weight-Loss Corrosion. The N88-6 Reaching PlusPit Gauge by Western Instruments comes with a6 inches (152mm) long blade with an end-mounted indicator and contact point and with a long nose cutout.Western Instruments Pit Gauges assure compliance with vessel, pipeline, tank and OCTG specifications for corrosion and erosion depth measurement

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